Sunday, November 18, 2007

My First Tropical Vacation

Anyone who knows me can tell you I am seriously over-worked. For the past 2 years I have been going to school full time (taking 15-18 credits) and working full time as well. I also took on a part-time job so I never had a break since I had to work weekends as well. Thankfully, my boyfriend decided to treat me to a wonderful vacation that I will never forget.

I have never been anywhere tropical so I had to do some research. I spoke to a travel agent who gave me a lot of options from Bahamas, Jamaica and Dominican Republic. We chose a beautiful, adults only resort called “Excellence” in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. The hotel was actually rated 5.5 stars and the service as well as scenery were amazing.

The first few days were rather strange since I forgot how it feels to not have to get up and do something in the morning. The only decision making we had to do during the day was whether we are going to lie out on the beach or lie out by the pool. At night we had a difficult task of deciding which restaurant to go to. This part worked out perfectly because there were 7 restaurants and we were there exactly 7 days (1 restaurant per day).

I would definitely recommend my resort to anyone who is interested in a quiet, romantic getaway. I hope I can do this again next summer!

1 comment:

Kean CPS 1031 Student said...

I saw the website of the resort you went to Excellence, and it looks like a really nice place. I went to Punta Cana also and had a great time, however the resort I went was not 5 stars, but hopefully we can go there in our next vacation.
