Friday, November 2, 2007


My name is Greg LoBiondo, and this is my second year at Kean University. I am studying management in the Print Industry, and I currently work at The Cheesecake Factory.


Kean CPS 1031 Student said...

fyi The Cheesecake Factory is my best friend. I absolutely love that restaurant. Everytime I go there I think, "Maybe this time I'll try something new." But I always chicken out to get this one dish that I love: the skirt steak. I have to admit, though, I actually was brave the last time I went and got the babyback ribs or just plain ribs, I'm not really sure...but there were delicious! Anyway, you're probably sick of everything there (well, depending on how long you've worked there)...but I just thought you should know that the food at The Cheesecake Factory makes me a happier person :o)

Kean CPS 1031 Student said...

I love the Cheese Cake Factory. The food is soo good. I always end up ordering way more than I can eat. I am also in the service business- I'm a bartender- so I'm sure its not always as fun for you as it is for those eating. I'll make sure I look for you the next time I'm there.